This compilation features all genres of shorts for the avid film fan – from animation to live-action and documentary. Catch compelling stories about characters who have to navigate difficult situations and make tough choices. Click on the images for more details.
Total Duration: 65 minutes
China I Bowen Tan In a world where robotic technology compensates for human weakness, a schoolboy must choose between enhanced academic success and his own unique identity.
Australia I Archie Chew A young girl and her gang of rogue environmentalists try to save the planet as the world goes into lock down.
France I Camille Guillot, Fanny Hagdahl Sörebo, Aleksandra Krechman A girl can’t stand the passage of Time anymore. She decides to confront it and free herself from its control. But can you really get rid of Time itself?
Taiwan I Chih-Cheng Chiang Jia Kai, a teen with high-functioning autism, has to balance his passion for the train system with the rules set by his mom to keep him safe.
Singapore I Joey Kuah Pin Xu In a barren icy landscape, a little girl and her father must overcome the past to connect in the present.
USA I Tabutha Kitchen A feisty grandma seeks revenge on a casino that did her dirty.