An insightful collection that represents the perspective of young female protagonists. Includes the Oscar-nominated short, The Coin, about a Chinese girl who reflects on her connection with food. These excellent films are for everyone and not just girls! Click on the images for more details.
Total Duration: 62 minutes

UK I Giulia Gandini An important milestone presents a challenge when it happens at the most inconvenient time.

China, USA I Siqi Song In this Oscar-nominated film, a girl reflects on her connection to food and tradition.

Nepal I Kedar Shrestha A charming film about a 5-year-old who has trouble putting on her shoes.

Qatar I Sahar ElKabbash Within a strict school environment, two girls find a way to express their need for freedom.

Germany I Daniela Opp A sweet love story goes back to a summer 60 years ago.

Netherlands I Evelyne du Bois A fun celebration of the lost art of typing.

Guatemala I Andrea Giselle Pérez An award-winning short about a girl's bond with her grandmother.

Switzerland I Francesca Scalisi A look at the changing relationship between a father and daughter as the girl grows into womanhood.

France I Francois Narboux A film about the courage to be oneself.